My Humble Pranams to all...!! Here goes my thoughts on why we worship God?  I usually visit temple every weekend and slowly it became a part of my habit and in once such visit I happened to bump on one of my colleagues and I know that she is a very sweet girl. I went to greet her and but to my dismay she was in tears. I then couldn't resist myself from comforting her. When she was all done, I asked her are you feeling better now? But she began to explain to me that she was so upset about the things not going the way she presumed and also she then mentioned that she had been a regular visitor to the same temple and she expected that God would let things go in her favour and she couldn't accept the way her life is now going on.. and she said she would stop visiting temple hereafter and she seemed too depressed and angry. I then let her conclude and provided her with a glass of water. I explained to her that all of us have expectations of how ones life needs to be and when it goes as we expect we smile and when it doesn't , we immediately get upset or fear that nothing changes and we think we will not be able to come out of it. So here comes this question as to why then we worship God??  Do we worship God to not put us anyone in any sort of trouble or for Him to fulfil our expectations?? Actually, praying to God is to build a sort of positivity and to have confidence in ourselves to face any situations that we come across in life...!! In fact, reading slokams or any sort of mantra is to just build our self confidence and in the ancient times there used to be tunes for every sloka and it is said that those tunes are meant to soothe our mind at the times we stress or in times of difficulties. This is something that we had passed over generations and essence of it is build out one’s positive thinking and self confidence...!!  Voila, then how do we attract positiveness in life??? To attract positivity, we must always think in terms of well being of others. Yup and indeed we all must go down a step and help each other to succeed in life. And so, comes the saying: "Service to God is Service to Mankind." Let’s also recollect this famous saying of legend, William Shakespeare: "All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts, his acts being seven ages." To have played our part well in this so-called world’s stage, life we must think of well being of each other and have a positive mindset.


- Sowmya Raghavan


  1. Excellent thoughts with a very positive mindset, keep spreading the positivity Sowmi!

  2. Nice one sowmya keep going we all think about in our mind why we worship god ?You tell the better answer for this ....

  3. Excellent and thought provoking!!

  4. Glad to see you spreading good vibes, keep rocking my gal❤️

  5. We are fortunate to have an innovator like you among us :) Good Sowmi.. Keep rocking

  6. Good, positively in all aspects will help us to be strong


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