My Humble Pranams to all...!! What is life?? Why have we got this? And what if we don’t achieve anything? What if we don’t become a millionaire?? I know many of us have similar thoughts striking now and then but here are the answers...!! Life in itself is a beautiful journey meant to be explored and not a race. It has bundles of surprises that unfolds when least expected. It can be fully enjoyed when we learn to live in the present and It becomes a race when we think of future. Every journey has its own ups and downs and if we learn to take it down by every moment it might become a memorable journey. Some people complete their degree by 21 and struggle to get a stable job but some on other hand might complete their degree by 25 and become CEO of their own start-up. Some marry by 24 and struggle to have kids but they are some who marry by 33 and have healthy kids. Some die at 50 with a lot of wealth but some live till 90 with moderate income.  Life is what we create and its never too late or too early to be what we want and there is no time limit or rules for living and we can either be our best or worst and if we make our best I hope we will be proud of what we have achieved and if not , I hope we will have the courage to start over it all again. Life might seem like a race when we start copying or comparing with others life but let’s not forget the fact that everyone has a different destination. Life can be a race if we rush to reach our destination and it can be a cake walk if we live it like a journey. Life in itself should have a purpose and we should work on things that satisfy our soul and which gives us happiness and its doesn’t matter if we havent earned millions. Another good example of this could be Steve Jobs who was billionaire when  he died at the age of 56 of pancreatic cancer and in his last words he mentions that he had reached the epitome of success for some eyes but as per him he had accumulated wealth and so much of recognition but not much joy aside work. Life can never be found once lost and its not about being materialistic but to live happily...!! According to me what makes life worth it is creating everlasting impact to influence peoples life and people like Mahatma Gandhi or Martin Luther King managed to heal the world through their power of deeds or in other words any persons true worth to life can be found by the legacy they leave behind and I strongly feel this  should what matter to all of us and  lets work on this and try resonating with our lives purpose..!!



- Sowmya Raghavan


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