My Humble Pranams to all...!! When I was young, I had no interest in meditation and I always thought that people like monks or priests only meditate and they do so to seek enlightenment. But growing up my parents enrolled me on few spiritual classes and I had almost 3 spiritual gurus in my childhood days and for me attending them was one of the most relaxing things to do rather than going to school. Meditation was introduced to me by most favorite Guru, Mrs. Jyothi Mahesh as an art that deals with body, breath, mind and soul. And what I love about meditation is that its not about being religious but about it is an art of silencing the mind and experiencing the center of consciousness within. So, the trick to control our minds is only through meditation. One who has tried meditation knows that ours mind is a biggest obstacle that stands between ourselves and our awareness and by simply meditating more often we can begin to control our thoughts and start paying attention to one’s breath. This way we begin to distance ourselves from all the mental turmoil’s and begin to experience inner joy. In addition, Meditation also help to regulate stress and anxiety by focusing on moment experiences. It also helps one to sleep better and improves one’s health. I started with the practice of meditation from my teenage and it definitely helped to perform better at my board exams and mainly helped me to develop an inner satisfaction and confidence and helped me reach my goals better. As per Bhagavat Gita, meditation helps one to get rid of unhealthy habits and also spiritual meditation helps to link one’s consciousness with the infinite power and thus discovering more about oneself and loving oneself more. As we devote more time by regularly practicing meditation, we can start to experience more of its benefits. I love these lines , “ Prayer is when you talk to God and Meditation is when you listen to God” lets all take time to connect our soul with the spirit and seek harmony in our lives..!!


- Sowmya Raghavan


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