My Humble Pranams to All...!! Infants and Toddlers cannot tell us what they need or what went wrong exactly and may be due to this lack of expressing this through a Language can cause frustration and anger in them. But as parents is important to understand that anger is a healthy emotion too until it changes to disrespect or aggression in them. So here let’s discuss on few tricks on how to tackle the same emotion in a healthier way. Firstly, when we observe a child being upset or angry its important not to yell at them as a parent to expel out our tension as this might cause an outburst in them. Instead, we must remain calm simply and try to divert them or patiently listen to them or simply wait for them to be done as it is healthier idea. Secondly, we must as a parent constantly set example for our child and notice our own behaviour when we get angry like we must try to stay calm when things turn turbulent or control our habit of shouting at them when there is any disagreement or conflict and we must remember that a child constantly learns from us. Next its very important to help them deal with that emotion like teaching them to hold a squishy ball or stomp their feet or do an angry dance or even count from 10 to 1 instead of hitting out their sibling or if probably a child being older then we make them write out what makes them feel angry and rip that paper into pieces. When a child is upset or angry it’s necessary to be around them and very important thing is not to let them be alone or give them a time out. Instead, a simple hug or trying to comfort them can help them move with their feelings. Our presence inturn helps a child to calm himself and express his needs without attacking any person verbally or physically. Sometimes a few children might not like us controlling them always and the only trick to handle them is to listen to them completely and then talk to them empathically  later when they calm down and doing so will make them feel heard and they might in turn spontaneously apologize and  also this will  therefore give them cognitive control over their feelings. Lets rewind this powerful quote by Harold Hulbert, “Children need love, especially when they don’t deserve it” and do our best to be a better parent.


                                                                                                                                                -Sowmya Raghavan


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